- The possibility of tracing the source of honey from the hive to the home
- Raw and unpasteurized
- Certified as a project that does not use GMO ingredients
- Free from antibiotics and glyphosate
- Extracted and packed in New Zealand
- Certified as a non-GMO project
- Manuka Kind of Life
- Unpasteurized honey
- Free from glyphosate residue
- Halal
- Kosher
We are credible and trace the source of honey from the beehive to the home.
All KFactor ™ Manuka Honey are:
- Raw and unpasteurized
- Free from antibiotics and glyphosate
- It can be traced from the beehive to the home
How to use
No need to refrigerate.
Raw mono-nectar manuka honey.
Do not feed children under 12 months of age.
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